Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Spiritualist Healing: The Great Unseen Healing Force

One of the forerunners to the Spiritualist Movement was the healing practice known as Mesmerism, named after Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer. Mesmer was born in Austria, and studied medicine at the University of Vienna in 1759. 

In 1775 Mesmer discovered a kind of magnetic energy that ran through all living creatures. He called this energy "animal magnetism." He theorized that diseases, both mental and physical, had roots in this natural energy being blocked or unbalanced in individuals, and developed a system of magnetic healing that would assist in restoring balance thus curing various illnesses and conditions. 

In 1778 He left Vienna and set up practice as a Doctor in Paris. Although his system of Healing was rejected by the French Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Medicine (more likely for political reasons than actual scientific ones), his teachings proved to be quite popular. Unlike orthodox medical practices at the time which relied on bloodletting and (expensive) harsh treatments with toxic minerals such as mercury, Mesmer's magnetic healing was much less invasive, and much more accessible. 

It was very quickly discovered that when individuals were treated with these magnetic energies they would sometimes enter a state of “magnetic sleep” or a trance-like state. During this state individuals would often experience psychic phenomena ranging from mediumship to astral projection. After his death in 1815 his teachings still remained very popular due to several books published by his students. 

His teachings spread to England, the United States, and also the French Colonies at the time such as Louisiana and Haiti. As time went on the practice began to shift to a more spiritual practice. Although healing was still emphasized, many began to practice Mesmerism purely to investigate and develop spiritual gifts. 

With the rise of the Spiritualist Movement, many of these Mesmerist Healers quickly became Spiritualists, and forever integrated this form of healing to the Spiritualist movement. Mesmer's system of Magnetic Healing is still the primary form of healing used in Spiritualist Churches and Spiritist Centers throughout the world. 

This healing system blends of Spiritualist principles with the magnetic healing of Mesmer. The Healer will act as a Medium for spirit guides to pass magnetic energy to the recipient, this assists the body in restoring itself to a natural state of balance and harmony. This is often done through the Healer laying their hands on one's shoulders, or may be done through a series of hand passes over the individuals body. Healing can also be done at a distance, with the Healing focusing on those in need allowing their Guides to direct the healing energy to where it may be needed. 

Spiritualist Healing is also somewhat unique among other forms of Healing that developed around the same time, such as various forms of New Thought and Christian Science. Medicine and medical practices are not outright rejected in favor of a purely spiritual approach. 

Spiritualism, which emphasizes a positive view of the natural world, prefers to adopt a holistic approach to healing, where the body, mind, and spirit are all treated as important. Spiritist Centers and Spiritualists Churches will recommend various forms of medical treatment in addition to spiritual healing. In Brazil, many Spiritist Centers function as clinics, with resident Doctors, and several Hospitals are actually run by Spiritists, offering medical treatment and Spiritist Healing.

Healing is generally accompanied with prayer. Spiritists, many will select prayers for Healing found in Kardec's Collection of Selected Prayers. American Spiritualists will often use short affirmations or passages from the Bible or Book of Psalms, such as, "Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me" 

The most well known prayer among American Spiritualists is simply known as the prayer for Spiritual Healing, which is used in Spiritualist Church services is as follows: 

I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force 
To remove all obstructions from my mind and body 
And to restore me to perfect health. 

I ask this in all sincerity and honesty 
And I will do my part. 

I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force 
To help both present and absent ones 
Who are in need of help 
And to restore them to perfect health. 

I put my trust in the love and power of God.

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