Friday, October 2, 2020

Coffee Talk: Chats with the Dead

Growing up in a family that freely blended folk Catholicism and Spiritualism, the concept of talking to the dead was something that was completely normal; that you could literally just talk to relatives that passed away, that they could actively hear you, and in some cases actually respond back was relatively normal.

You simply sat somewhere quiet and private, and you have a conversation. In my own case today, this is done over a cup of coffee. 

I can honestly say that after years of studying Spiritualism and Mediumship... nothing has ever worked better for me than this.

Mind you, I think it's extremely useful for Mediums to actually study the philosophy and theory behind mediumship and Spiritualism while you work on developing and practicing throughout your life. The more you know how and why something works, the better you get at it. However, when it comes to direct experience, these simple and heartfelt practices have always been profoundly more helpful than any kind of structured meditation or spiritual exercise, at least for me. 

If you have an altar, you can pour a small cup of tea or coffee for your spirits or ancestors there, or just set an extra cup on the table. Then just talk to them. Talk out loud, talk in your head. You can switch back and forth between talking with yourself, and to your spirits. Eventually, slowly, you will start being able to discern between your thoughts and words, and reactions given to you by your spirits.

How communication happens is completely up to how you experience mediumship and could range from anything to a simple feeling of peace from having talked things out, to experiences of clairvoyance. You just have to pay attention. 

It seems to be the simple fact, that then we’re alone, at least physically, we’ll usually be able to just be ourselves. We "open up" very easily, and naturally. Especially if we're relaxed, like having a cup of coffee. 

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