Monday, September 28, 2020

Spiritualism & the Ministry of Angels

One of the central teachings of Spiritualism is the belief in the Ministry of Angels. Spiritualists believe that angels, elevated spirits, are sent as messengers and teachers from God to aid us in our spiritual unfoldment. The Book of Psalms says, “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” 

One of Rochester, New York's early Spiritualist leaders, Rev. Benjamin Austin wrote, “angels help us in a vast variety of ways – but chiefly as unseen, loving guides they seek to impress us with such thoughts and sentiments as will lead us safely and securely through the tangled mazes of our earth life and develop the spiritual in our characters.” 

These simple suggestions are based on the teachings of Rev. Austin: 

By purifying our own thoughts, purposes, and desires so that the best and strongest guides and helpers may come near us. 

When we look within us, we find that we have an inner light that connects us to the Divine Mind, the more in touch we are to this light, the more clear and more open we are to the angels who seek to guide us. 

Every morning and evening send out thoughts and desires strongly to your angel friends and say in the depth of your being, with a realizing sense of truth: “We are partners, Oh Blessed Angels, in the work of Life.” 

The Psalms say, “declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night” If we start and end each day with our hearts and minds uplifted to the highest and best we will start to see a very strong connection, and develop a strong communication with our angel guides in our daily lives. 

Wait regularly in silence of the soul, in reverence, in faith and hope, upon the angel world. 

When we find a quiet spot, where all the world around us is slowed down, and we simply abide in awareness and spirit, we are better able to hear the “still small voice” within us, through which the Angels speak to us. Take some time every day, even just a few minutes, to sit and breathe and commune with the Divine Presence and the angels who guide you.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Mother Leafy Anderson: I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eye

Leafy Anderson experienced a life changing vision of her spirit guide, Black Hawk, while she was living in Chicago; she dedicated the rest of her life to spirituality and uplifting her community. According to accounts from her students, her life motto became "Helping One Another." 

She became known as Mother Leafy Anderson, and acted as a Spiritualist minister, teacher, and medium. She named her Church the Eternal Life Christian Spiritualist Church, and founded several congregations through out the country from Chicago, to Texas, Florida, and finally New Orleans where she spent the rest of her life. 

In an era of legal segregation and extreme prejudice, her Church services were fully interracial; she broke with tradition of either using only acapella singing, or traditional Church instruments such as the piano, to included full jazz bands. Her services included the reading of the scriptures, prayer, and would end with spiritual phenomena, such as trance mediumship and healing. 

 She believed in a direct access to God through ministering angels and spirit guides, and according to a disciple of Anderson, "She wanted to make the world know what God was doing for her.” She had numerous Spirit Guides, including the biblical Queen Esther and the Virgin Mary, but she put her faith particularly in Black Hawk, the famous Sauk Leader of American history. She encouraged her followers to put their trust in him, as he was sent to them by God. A disciple of hers recalled her saying, "Go to him for anything you want. He’ll never disappoint you"

We live in uncertain times, just like Mother Anderson, but I believe that makes her teachings more relevant than ever. We should always keep in mind the duty of "Helping One Another," the ministry of angels and spirit guides are still with us, Black Hawk will always be "Our Watchman on the Wall" and we can call to these good spirits for strength and fortitude at all times. 

According to tradition, Mother Leafy Anderson's favorite hymn that she would sing was I Will Guide Thee

Precious promise God hath given 
To the weary passer-by, 
All the way from earth to Heaven; 
I will guide thee with mine eye. 

I will guide thee, I will guide thee, 
I will guide thee with mine eye; 
All the way from earth to Heaven, 
I will guide thee with mine eye. 

When temptations almost win thee, 
And thy trusted watchers fly, 
Let this promise ring within thee: 
I will guide thee with mine eye. 

When thy secret hopes have perished 
In the grave of years gone by, 
Let this promise still be cherished: 
I will guide thee with mine eye. 

When the shades of life are falling, 
And the hour has come to die, 
Hear thy trusted leader calling: 
I will guide thee with mine eye.

Ms. Ella's Altar: A Look At A Spiritual Altar

As soon as I saw this picture I wanted to write a little bit about it because this is a beautiful example of an old school candle altar that...