I also wanted to just show how diverse Spiritualists and Spiritual traditions are. I see so many people arguing over the right way to set up an altar, and I find it refreshing that there is this beautiful old photo of a very old school spiritual altar that belonged to a very spiritual woman.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiritualist
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Ms. Ella's Altar: A Look At A Spiritual Altar
I also wanted to just show how diverse Spiritualists and Spiritual traditions are. I see so many people arguing over the right way to set up an altar, and I find it refreshing that there is this beautiful old photo of a very old school spiritual altar that belonged to a very spiritual woman.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Chicago to Puerto Rico: Spiritualists Coming Together in the 1950s
A pleasant surprise followed the interviews, as a group of more than 60 persons from all over the island gathered to welcome the visitors. After much handshaking and welcoming speeches, all had dinner, then proceeded by car to the Church Center in Ponce, a three hour drive from San Juan. This Center is only two years old and is progressing rapidly under the leadership of its Pastor, the Rev. Esther Rodriguez Perez, whom Rev. Camardo had Ordained two years previously.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Radical Spiritualists: Progressive Politics and Spiritualism
Making the legal process of divorce more simple
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Fire Mediumship: Tried With Fire
Spiritualism is a religious tradition that takes the biblical adage to "try the spirits" fairly seriously. Spiritualists are encouraged to be skeptical, to question the value of the messages brought by spirits, and to test the demonstrations of mediumship put before them.
Spiritualists often use the phrase "evidential" to refer to the factual accuracy of a message given by a spirit through a medium. Today, in most Spiritualist communities, this "evidential mediumship" generally means various forms of mental mediumship (such as clairvoyance) conducted in message services and circles, where the messages given by spirits through a medium are analyzed for facts, as well as the mediums' descriptions of the spirits' appearance and behavior.
While much emphasis now is placed on clairvoyant gifts, in the past many more Spiritualist mediums were more likely to work as trance mediums. Trance mediumship occurs when a spirit blends their auric body with that of a medium, and the spirit is able to speak and act through the medium's physical body and speak with their voice.
There are varying levels of trance mediumship ranging from full conscious awareness of the medium, to a complete unconscious trance state where the medium enters a "magnetic sleep" and is completely unaware of what takes place until the trance has ended.
In the past certain mediums would be put to what was called the "fire test." The test was relatively simple, it was assumed that if the Medium was indeed in a genuine controlled state by a spirit guide, they would be guarded from harm by the higher forces of the spirit world, and would not be effected by the physical effects of fire while in trance. The mediums who passed this test were known as "fire mediums"
E.W. Sprague in his textbook on mediumship wrote, "a fire medium is one whose powers are such that he may handle fire, or heated articles that would burn other people, without his being burned. If one possesses this phase of mediumship, when under the influence of certain spirits, his flesh becomes impervious to fire, and the cuticle is not injured by contact with it."
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An artist's sketch of Isa Wilson Kayner |
At age 25 her mother became seriously ill and near death. Having exhausted all other options, in desperation her father asked his spirit guides for assistance to heal his wife, and his guides told him that Isa could help her mother if she embraced her mediumship. Although Isa at the time still viewed Spiritualism with disdain, she felt if this could save her mother's life she would put her views aside.
During a séance it was revealed that Isa's primary spirit guide was the spirit of a Zoroastrian Priest who went by the name of Ashka. He stated that she was called to be a Spiritualist and she needed to dedicate her life to Spiritualism and mediumship, only then would she be able to heal her mother. She agreed and fell into a trance where Ashka was then able to heal her mother.
Isa believed that because of Ashka's role as a Zoroastrian priest while he was alive, and his service in a Fire Temple attending a Holy Fire, that she was able to work particularly well as a fire medium. She is quoted saying: "When Ashka's spirit possess me I can bathe in fire and it cannot hurt me."
An article described Isa falling into a trance by her guide Ashka and handling glass lamps heated by fire with her bare hands and placing them on her neck and face as if there was no heat. The lamps were then handed over to one of the observers selected at random by the audience and they immediately dropped the glass lamp the moment it touched their hand due to the heat.
An article stated that during one of her travels teaching Spiritualism, a barn caught fire where race horses were kept, and were trapped by the flames. She called on her spirit guide and she was able to walk through the flames, throw her coat over a horse, walk it out of the barn, and repeated this six times with both herself and the horses untouched by fire. She stated "fire will not burn anything I touch so long as I touch it"
Although Isa was most famous for her role as a fire medium, she was primarily a spiritual healer. She stated that she believed that her connection to fire assisted her in being a better Healer. Isa dedicated her entire life to traveling throughout the United States practicing spiritual healing, offering demonstrations of Mediumship, and preaching the message of Spiritualism.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Rainbow Bridge: Animal Afterlife & Spiritualism
In 1896 a Veterinarian (and Vegetarian) in New York City named Dr. Samuel Johnson was so moved by a grieving client whose dog had died, that he offered his apple orchard as a place of burial, because animal burials were not permitted within New York City. This ban extended to both public cemeteries, as well as religious cemeteries; most religions did not recognize animals as having a soul and it was not considered proper to give them a burial in a religious cemetery.
She raises two points: one, that non-human animals, particularly non-domesticated animals, don't have individual souls, but rather have a united spirit and exist as a collection. The second point, is that animals develop a kind of individual identify because of their relationship with humans, and this allows certain animals to communicate in the afterlife.
Personally, I find the first point fairly weak, and given that massive amount of evidence she provides on spirit communication from animals, both domesticated, and non domesticated, I almost wonder if she was not fully convinced of these arguements either. The concept of animals existing as persons is still a radical concept to many, and in the 1940s it may have been even more difficult to put into words.
Her second point, I think does have some merit to it, and is an excellent example of the beautiful teachings of Spiritualism. That our loving connections to our friends and loved ones, be they animal or human, are not severed by death, and that Love can connect us across the Etheric and allow us to communicate. And this is demonstrated time after time, and story after story in her book.
Today there is virtually no question on whether or not animals participate as individuals in the afterlife among Spiritualists: the afterlife of animals is considered an established fact "scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism."
Most Spiritualist have adopted the relatively modern tradition of the "Rainbow Bridge" as an accepted part of the Spiritualist tradition, which fits quite well with the Spiritualist belief in the afterlife as a Summer-Land.
That there is a meadow "this side of Heaven" where animals go to rest in an eternal summer, free of pains and suffering, and can wait for their friends to cross over into Spirit, and see each other once more.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Flowers from the Dead: The Spiritualist Flower Service
The importance of flowers in Spiritualism cannot be underestimated. Spiritualist Churches are often filled with flowers and floral imagery, and in many cases will be named after flowers. The Sunflower is a particular favorite and is one of the most popular symbols of Spiritualism.
Flowers also have a special religious place among Spiritualists. In terms of Spiritualist doctrines the Spirit-World is often described as the "Summerland:" an eternal land of meadows and peace, an endless Summer. As Cora L.V. Scott poetically described, "the gardens of God."
The ritual use of flowers among Spiritualists can be traced to the Victorian tradition of the Language of Flowers. In the Victorian Era, when public and private expression was extremely strict, one could express a range of meanings encoded in a bouquet of flowers. One of the most popular uses for this was in courtship where one could express romantic intentions through flowers given as a gift, but it was also used to express a wide range of meanings and emotions: friendship, gratitude, faith, consolation, etc.
The early centers of Spiritualism were the homes of Spiritualists where seances took place in parlors around a family tea table, and flowers were an essential part of the Victorian home. Spiritualism, and this tradition of meaningful floral arrangements began to overlap in these early Home Circles, and the presence of flowers began to be understood within a spiritual context.
Spirits that were present during a séance would often use this flower language as a method of communication, if this was done through mental mediumship the Medium would clairvoyantly be shown flowers used to express specific meanings, this is still a very prevalent method of mediumistic communication used by Spiritualists today. More literally, in physical seances there are accounts of Spirits materializing flowers to the sitters present.
The presence of flowers actually grew to be considered a key component of Spiritualist meetings and seances. It became to be understood that their presence during a séance would give off positive vibrations that could assist in the production of spiritual phenomena and better assist the developing Mediums. Various Spiritualist writers began to offer their thoughts and observations over what sorts of flowers would best assist different kinds of mediumistic phenomena.
As Spiritualist Churches began to develop, new forms of religious rituals were created that included the use of flowers. As I discussed in another blog, the ritual of Spiritualist Baptism was eventually developed and flowers became the most important aspect of this ritual: one would be sprinkled with flower petals, or in some cases crowned with flowers.
What eventually would come to be known as a "Flower Service" is a natural outgrowth of these religious practices that originated in the early Home Circles of Spiritualists.
During a Spiritualist Flower Service, if an individual wanted to receive a "Flower Message" from a Spirit through a Medium, they would be expected to bring a flower or bouquet of flowers to the service. The flowers would be placed on the altar or platform; in most cases it was unknown to the Mediums serving who brought which flowers, and individuals would sometimes add a ribbon or piece of paper to the flowers they brought so that they would know which message was meant for them.
After prayers and hymns, the Medium will take the flowers in hand and deliver a message while holding them. A common misunderstanding is that the flowers themselves are read symbolically, this is not the case, rather, the vibrations from the flowers are supposed to assist the Medium in giving a message from the Spirits reaching out to the individual who brought them to the service.
This method of Mediumship is generally known as psychometry, where the Spirits communicate clairvoyantly generated by the Medium's sense of touch while holding an object, in this case, flowers.
An excellent example of a Flower Service was recorded by George F. Goerner, in his work A Record of Psychic Experiences. George Goerner was the President of the Los Angeles Society for Advanced Psychical Research. In 1922 he published his work which is a cumulation of his research that he collection while attending various seances and Spiritualist Churches services in California mostly during the 1920s.
He recorded a Flower Service that took place at Peoples Spiritualist Church, Los Angeles California during the evening of November 13th 1921.
On the above date I again purchased four roses to take to the church, hoping to have another flower message from mother. I wrapped a piece of writing paper around the stems, on which I had written, "a rose for mother: one for sister Clara; one for sister Annie, and one for Minnie, from George."
Mrs. Miller delivered the flower messages, as usual. She took up my cluster of roses and read the message as follows.
"These beautiful roses bring me the influence of a dear sweet mother. She comes so happy and is pleased to know that you thought to bring them. There are four who come and you brought a rose for mother, one for sister Clara, and one for each of the other two - I do not catch the names clearly but your mother says, we are all here to greet you; we saw you wrap them up and we know who they are for. You don't have to wait until tomorrow, my son. We can tell you know. We are all here."
Mrs. Miller continued: "Your mother says, don't worry about anything, George. I am always with you and things are not going to remain so uncertain much longer. Be patient a little while and you will have much to be thankful for. We are here tonight."
After the conclusion of his account of attending the Flower Service he added some of his thoughts regarding the mediumship he observed from the mediums:
There were probably as many as 30 messages given out by the two mediums - Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Inez Wagner. While a few incidents of unconscious mind-reading seen apparent here and there, the greater part of the messages is so intimately related to events known only to one or two persons on earth and family members on the spirit side, that it would be out of the question to attempt to account for more than one-forth of the results by telepathy.
About a hundred years later, Flower Services continue to be held among Spiritualists, who still even today, in moments of communion with the Spirit-World, incorporate flowers to assist them in raising spiritual vibrations, bringing to mind the verse by Cora L.V. Scott, "the spring-time, with its bursting buds and flowers, gives forth, in its wonderous way, the utterance of prayer."
Friday, January 13, 2023
A Shiver and a Shake, A Medium Does Not Make
I've come to learn that there are quite a few individuals now going around various Spiritualist and Metaphysical communities selling their "abilities" as Physical Mediums.
Ms. Ella's Altar: A Look At A Spiritual Altar
As soon as I saw this picture I wanted to write a little bit about it because this is a beautiful example of an old school candle altar that...

In 1928 a sermon was given at Central Spiritualist Church in Rochester, New York discussing "the Golden Candle" This "golden ...
In my research I’ve come across several Spiritualists who are virtually never talked about anymore, one of those is Rev. Anthony Camardo, an...
Although Espiritismo is a form of Spiritism, most Espiritistas are far from strict Kardecists. The range of adherence among Espiritistas to...